As Melbourne’s temperatures go down, our electricity usage goes up. That sudden cold snap in June comes around and Endeavour Hills residents are running toward the thermostats. Before we know it, we’re halfway through winter before we consider our increased energy consumption. Many people will have experienced the dread as the next electricity bill arrives and we recall our sudden need to keep warm.
Here are five energy saving tips by CJES to reduce bill-shock in Endeavour Hills this winter.

Upgrade your lighting to LEDs
As needed, replace your older light fittings with energy efficient LEDs. As the days get shorter approaching the middle of the year, we use lights and lamps for longer periods of the day. Switching to energy efficient long-life LEDs will provide illumination but won’t hurt your hip pocket as much. Encourage family members to switch off lights as they leave a room, it will benefit the purse strings in the long run.

Programmable Thermostats
Most homes in Endeavour Hills are upgrading their heating and cooling systems to reverse cycle, putting more strain on their electricity bills. By putting your heating system on a timer and keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature between 18 and 20 degrees, you can avoid a spike in heating bills.

Avoid heating the whole house, if possible. With only a few rooms being used throughout the day it is unnecessary to heat unused rooms and waste money. It is common for doors and hallways to be open during the warmer months but when the weather cools down, try to keep areas closed off and opt for spending time in family areas where you can keep the heat in for longer.

Upgrade Insulation and Curtains
Check your insulation and dress your windows with heavier curtains. Most new homes in Endeavour Hills are insulated to prevent heat from escaping. But older homes may be drafty and less insulated. In these homes, there would be a tendency to crank the heat on high to remove the chill. But savings can be made if insulation is updated and nooks and crannies are better blocked from the drafty night air. Updating curtains will then retain heat and keep you warmer for longer.

Update and Maintain Heating Appliances
Lastly, remember to keep your heating appliances in good working order. If running inefficiently or overloaded, a heater can add up its kilowatt usage at a rapid rate. Speak to your friendly electricians at CJES on ways to reduce your electricity bill and receive the advice you need to enjoy this colder time of year.